Technical Class


Technical work in performing moderately difficult laboratory tests and analyses. An employee in this class performs moderately difficult organic and analytical chemical tests that have been learnt on the job. Work occasionally involves supervision over subordinates. Assignments in the nature of samples and advice letters are received from a superior who indicates the type of test or analysis to be made and provides additional guidance on the more difficult tests. Employee is expected to make routine tests and to report his findings independently. A superior is available for guidance on difficult problems and reviews frequently the work in progress and the records, following completion, for accurate use of proper methods and results.
Job Category


Technical work in performing routine laboratory tests and analyses. An employee in this class performs simple physical and chemical tests, and analyses while learning the use of laboratory equipment and materials. Work further involves learning the procedures and techniques of organic and analytical chemistry. Each new type of test is demonstrated by a superior and subsequent tests of a similar nature are carried on under his supervision until proficiency has been gained. Work is reviewed by a superior for accuracy and compliance with instructions and established laboratory procedures.
Job Category


Technical and supervisory work relating to sanitation and maintenance and construction activities in a county. An employee in this class is responsible to the County Council for the overall supervision of all construction and maintenance activities under the control of the County Council in the County including garbage disposal, pest control, and scavenging. Work also includes the supervision of jobs given out on contracts. Assignment of workers to gangs and delegation of responsibility to County Council but most of the work is of a repetitive nature the employee plans and directs independently. Work is reviewed by a superior officer through inspections, reports, and meetings for adherence to instructions and conformity with general standards.
Job Category


Highly responsible skilled and supervisory work relating to sanitation and maintenance and construction activities in a county. An employee in this class assists in the overall supervision of maintenance activities which may also include public cleansing, garbage disposal, pest control, and scavenging which are under the control of the county council. Work includes the supervision of jobs given out on contracts, assignment of workers to gangs, and delegation of responsibility to subordinate supervisors. Special assignments are received from a superior officer but most of the work is of a repetitive nature the employee plans and directs independently. Work is reviewed by a superior officer through reports and inspection for performance and adherence to instructions.
Job Category


Supervisory work in the construction and maintenance of roads. An employee in this class is responsible for supervising labour gangs engaged in the construction and maintenance of roads in a small assigned area. The employee also participates in supervising construction and maintenance projects and in allocating funds to the various activities. Work involves supervision of subordinates comprising skilled and unskilled workers. Supervision is received from a superior officer who reviews work for satisfactory performance.
Job Category


Technical work including administrative functions in the collection of revenue in a geographical district. An employee in this class organises and administers revenue collection and ancillary functions for a District. Work involves the coordination of functions carried out at various sub-offices within the district and the conduct of the more complex investigations relating to the revenue collection function and related matters. Work is performed with some degree of independent judgement and initiative within the framework of departmental rules and regulations and is reviewed by a superior for efficiency through discussions and examination of reports.
Job Category


Responsible technical work in the collection of revenue. An employee in this class performs the more complex duties relating to the collection of revenue in a District Revenue Office. Work involves checking and maintaining Land and Building Taxes and Ground Rent Ledgers and Assessment Rolls, preparing lists and summary sheets of defaulters, and conducting investigations on such defaulters with a view to collecting outstanding taxes. Duties also include limited supervision over a small staff of subordinates engaged in similar functions relating to the collection of revenue. Some assignments are routine and repetitive and are carried out independently within the framework of departmental rules and regulations while new or specific assignments are received orally or in writing from a superior officer.
Job Category


Responsible supervisory technical work in the field of Radio Communications. An employee in this class is responsible for supervising the radio communications function of the Police Department. Work involves making surveys of requirements of radio equipment for both mobile and fixed units, supervising the installation, repair and maintenance of radio communications equipment, and planning and assigning the work of a small technical staff engaged in radio communications work. Employee exercises considerable initiative and independent judgment in making technical decisions but work is subject to administrative review for efficiency and adherence to policy.
Job Category