Technical Class


Technical work in the field of quantity surveying. An employee in this class performs more complex duties in the abstracting and billing of quantities, in the taking of site measurements including variations, and in checking contractors' claims. Instructions are received from a superior officer and the work is supervised by a Quantity Surveyor who checks computations, quantities and prices for accuracy and performance.
Job Category


Routine technical work in the field of quantity surveying. An employee in this class performs the simple routine duties of quantity surveying such as making arithmetical computations, the taking of field measurements, the abstracting of quantities taken off from working drawings by qualified superiors and the checking of contractors' accounts. Detailed instructions are given on first appointment but after a period of on-the-job training, the employee assumes greater responsibilities and works with less supervision. Work is reviewed by a superior officer for accuracy and compliance with instructions given.
Job Category


Responsible supervisory environmental sanitation work in the field of Public Health in a Division or Region. An employee in this class is responsible for supervising a group of Public Health Inspectors in a division and is engaged in the enforcement of sanitary laws and control of communicable diseases. Assistance is received from lower level supervisory personnel who are assigned specific duties to perform. Work is performed under general direction of a professional superior and is reviewed for conformity to departmental policies through reports and conferences.
Job Category


Supervisory environmental sanitation work in the field of Public Health in a County. An employee in this class is responsible for supervising a group of Public Health Inspectors in a County who have charge of different districts and are engaged in environmental sanitation work in the field of Public Health in the enforcement of Sanitary laws, and control of communicable and infectious diseases. Duties include planning and organising the work of Public Health Inspectors in the County and the enforcement of sanitary laws and control of communicable diseases. Work is performed with considerable independence and is reviewed for conformity to established policies and procedures through reports, conferences and an evaluation of results.
Job Category


Technical work in the field of environmental health. An employee in this class is responsible for the enforcement of Public Health Laws, bye-laws and regulations and may be assigned to a specified health district in respect of such matters. Duties include the control of rodents and insect vectors; inspection of buildings, poultry depots and hatcheries, food establishments, residential areas, meat and other foods and of animals to be slaughtered, as well as ensuring the safety of water and the environment. Work is performed under the direction of a superior officer and is reviewed through technical reports and conferences for conformity to programmes, policies and procedures.
Job Category