Professional and Scientific Class


Highly responsible administrative and technical work in the field of Youth Development. An employee in this class is responsible for planning, directing, and coordinating the work of the Youth Affairs Division. The work involves supervising staff at various levels, administering programs of staff development, and liaising with other ministries, departments, and agencies on matters pertaining to Youth Development.
Job Category


Highly responsible professional administrative work in the field of trade and investment. An employee in this class is responsible for advising on and coordinating Government’s trade policy matters; briefing and advising ministers, the wider private sector, and relevant public organizations on trade policy issues; coordinating Government's strategic adjustment initiatives; and participating in national and international trade negotiations. The work involves a high degree of initiative and independent judgment within the framework of the Ministry's policies and objectives.
Job Category


Responsible specialized professional and administrative work in the field of medicine (radiology). An employee in this class performs specialized medical work in the diagnosis, treatment, and control of cancer and is responsible for the coordination of facilities for the treatment of cancer patients throughout the nation. Work also includes supervision of the activities of professional, technical, and other categories of staff at the Radiotherapy Centre.
Job Category


Responsible professional work in the area of Public Sector Management and Organization Transformation. An employee in this class directs and manages the activities of divisions of Public Management. Work involves planning, organizing, and coordinating the activities of professional and technical officers engaged in the design, implementation, monitoring, and review of policies that support the overall transformation and modernization of the Public Service. Work also involves the establishment of systems, procedures, guidelines, and learning technologies that facilitate continuous improvement and enhanced service delivery.
Job Category


Advanced professional and supervisory work in the field of auditing. An employee in this class assists in planning and organizing the work in a group of auditing sections of the Auditor General's Department. Work involves the review of audit programmes and undertaking aspects of the more complex audits of State-controlled enterprises and statutory and similar bodies. The employee supervises and guides subordinate professional auditors in specialized audit procedures and carries out special investigations and surveys.
Job Category

Accountant III

Accounting work at the first professional level. An employee in this class performs professional accounting work directing or assisting in the direction of activities of an accounting unit. Work entails supervision of the work of sub-professional and supporting clerical personnel engaged in miscellaneous accounting duties. Work is performed with considerable independence subject to general administrative or professional review through reports and discussions.
Job Category


Responsible administrative work in directing the Population Programme of the Ministry of Health. An employee in this class is responsible for administering the Population Programme of the Ministry of Health, which includes the determination, direction, and review of targets and objectives. Work involves directing and supervising the personnel of the Population Programme Unit, maintaining adequate statistical systems, evaluating the activities of the Programme, and preparing and submitting progress reports.
Job Category


Plans, directs and co-ordinates a decentralized programme of human resource management functions in a Ministry/Department. Work involves formulating and implementing the work programme of the Division/Unit, coordinating and reviewing activities of the various human resource management functions, ensuring the efficient and timely delivery of the programmes of activities and their consistency with the strategic plan, developing policy and serving as the Ministry’s/Department's chief adviser on human resource management matters. Work is performed with a considerable degree of initiative, innovativeness and independent judgement within the framework of established policies and procedures and is reviewed by the Permanent Secretary/Head of Department through discussions and analysis of reports for accomplishment of objectives and adherence to policies and procedures.
Job Category


Responsible professional and administrative work in directing a programme of drainage, irrigation, reclamation, river and coastal engineering works. An employee in this class is responsible for the efficient planning and execution of drainage, irrigation, reclamation, river and coastal construction and maintenance work throughout the territory and for the collection and dissemination of hydrological data. Work involves the coordination of the three Branches of the division, directing as regards policy and priority, acting as an adviser on all matters dealing with drainage, irrigation, reclamation, river and coastal engineering works, and submitting plans and policies concerning the current and projected development of the country in these fields. Work is usually assigned in consultation with the Permanent Secretary and is performed with a degree of initiative and independent judgment. Technical guidance is available from the Chief Technical Officer, when required. Work is subject to review for accomplishment and adherence to policy through inspectors, discussions and analysis of reports.
Job Category


Highly responsible administrative and professional work in directing the activities of the Central Statistical Office. An employee in this class is responsible for taking censuses as required in the Country, for collecting, compiling, analysing and publishing statistical information relating to all aspects of the economic and social conditions of the Country and advises the Government on all statistical matters. Work also involves organising, developing and directing a coordinated scheme of economic, social and related statistics relating to the Country as well as undertaking special economic and social research based on these statistics. Supervision is exercised over a large professional, technical and non-technical staff through subordinate supervisors, responsible for major aspects of the work. The work is performed independently within the framework of the Statistical Ordinance and general administrative direction is received through discussions with the Permanent Secretary to whom he reports.
Job Category