Professional and Scientific Class

Accountant IV

Advanced professional and supervisory work in the field of accounting. An employee in this class performs professional and supervisory accounting work in a major aspect of government’s accounting process. Work includes directing and supervising activities in an accounting unit or reviewing and advising on such activities, preparing financial reports and statements, designing and setting up new accounting methods and procedures, and/or undertaking financial and accounting investigations.
Job Category

Equipment Superintendent

Skilled work in managing and supervising the operation and maintenance of mechanical equipment in a large division. An employee in this class is responsible for the planning, organizing, and directing of all activities involving the use of mechanical equipment. Work involves the maintenance and repairs of motor vehicles, plant, and equipment. Work includes the supervising of skilled workers and supervisors engaged in preventive maintenance and corrective repairs of mechanical equipment and also the economical control of allocated funds.
Job Category

Epidemiologist (Non-Medical)

Professional research and investigational work in the field of Epidemiology. An employee in this class conducts research and investigations into the occurrence and spread of communicable diseases throughout the nation. Work involves collating, analyzing, and interpreting data relevant to disease surveillance and control. Work also includes the preparation of reports, giving professional advice on appropriate measures to be adopted for effective prevention and control of communicable diseases, and the training of supporting technical staff. Work is performed with a great deal of initiative and independent judgment and is reviewed by a Medical Superior through discussions and analyses of reports for achievement of desired results.
Job Category


Professional research and investigational work in the field of entomology. An employee in this class performs professional research and investigational activities in the identification, control, and eradication of various species of mosquitoes and other insects which may transmit diseases in humans and animals. Work also includes the supervision and training of technical and laboratory staff engaged in insect vector control. Work is performed with considerable independence and is reviewed by a superior officer through discussions, reports, and analysis of results achieved.
Job Category

Electrical Engineer II

Responsible professional and supervisory work in the field of electrical engineering. An employee in this class is responsible for directing and supervising a major electrical engineering office. Work involves programming and supervising the work of professional, skilled and semi-skilled subordinates engaged in the design, construction and installation of electrical, air conditioning and refrigeration systems, equipment and appliances in conformance with standards, codes and regulations.
Job Category

Electrical Engineer I

Professional work of a supervisory nature in the field of Electrical Engineering. An employee in this class performs a variety of professional engineering duties in connection with the design, construction, installation and maintenance of electrical systems, air conditioning and refrigeration equipment and appliances. Work involves the preparation and/or review of plans, specifications and estimates for the construction of electrical, air conditioning and refrigeration systems or for electrical equipment associated with the operation of water treatment and water production installations.
Job Category

Economist II

Advanced professional work in the field of Economics. An employee in this class performs research into the more difficult economic problems affecting Government’s fiscal, monetary, industrial, international, social and educational policies. Work involves devising methods of compiling data, the analysis and interpretation of same, the preparation of reports, and advising on policy. Work may also involve planning, assigning and supervising the activities of professional and other technical personnel. Work is performed with a considerable degree of initiative and independent judgment and is subject to review through conferences and an evaluation of reports.
Job Category

Economist I

Responsible work in the field of economic investigation and analysis. An employee in this class analyses economic data and trends to aid in the solution of problems affecting Government's fiscal, monetary, industrial, international, social, and educational policies. Work also involves the compilation of economic and statistical data and the preparation of preliminary reports relevant to the Ministry or Department.
Job Category

Drug Analyst

Advanced Professional laboratory work of a technical nature in the analytical examination of drugs and medicines. An employee in this class is responsible for the proper maintenance and efficient functioning of a drug laboratory and the training of staff attached thereto. Work involves supervision of subordinates and participation in the chemical and physical analysis of local and imported drugs and raw drug ingredients, to determine quality, purity and conformity with label claims and existing standards. Assignments are received in the form of samples selected or collected by the Drug Analyst or submitted by Government Departments and Private Agencies.
Job Category


Technical and administrative work directing and coordinating area services related to road building, construction, and drainage works. An employee in this class is responsible for directing and coordinating the area inspection operations related to Road Building, Construction, and Drainage of the Ministry of Works. The duties involve supervising inspection personnel engaged in ensuring the efficient performance of road building, construction, and drainage works.
Job Category