Permanent Established

Mortuary Attendant

Responsible for managing routine mortuary functions, including handling and storing corpses, assisting with autopsies, and maintaining the mortuary facility.
Job Category

Medical Orderly

Responsible for performing routine tasks, including transporting patients within departments and supporting patient care. Also responsible for the effective mobility of sterile packs for surgical utilization.
Job Category

Medical Laboratory Technician III

Responsible for coordinating, supervising, and performing routine and specialized technical services in the clinical laboratory, ensuring quality assurance, methodology, and process compliance.
Job Category

Medical Laboratory Technician II

Responsible for performing routine and specialized testing on fluids, tissues, and other specimens in various laboratory areas, including the blood bank, microbiology, biochemistry, histology, hematology, cytology, and immunology.
Job Category

Medical Laboratory Technician I

Responsible for performing routine and semi-complex testing on all types of specimens – including tissues, body fluids, and other body exudates – presented for clinical diagnosis.
Job Category

Medical Director

Responsible for ensuring that all patients receive a high quality of medical care and the continuous provision of such care whilst at the Hospital.
Job Category


Responsible for performing normal obstetrical deliveries, ante-partum, and post-partum care, and assisting mothers with newborn care and breastfeeding.
Job Category