The incumbent is required to provide support in the planning, execution, monitoring and control of projects in a Ministry/Department. Duties include tracking project progress; assisting in budget preparation; monitoring work plan execution and in writing project related reports and other documentation and coordinating and scheduling of project meetings.

Job Category


The incumbent is required to perform monitoring and evaluation activities related to the implementation of the projects and programmes of Ministries/Departments/Agencies for the achievement of the National Development Agenda. Duties include: assisting in the selection/refinement of Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) indicators relevant to the national monitoring and evaluation framework; assessing programmes and projects; offering recommendations for improvement of implementation mechanisms and researching best practices in M&E, including operational structures and procedures. Depending on work assignment the incumbent may be required to perform some or the full range of the duties of the position.


The incumbent is required to independently manage the activities of small to medium-sized projects or manage, under the supervision of a Programme Manager/Designated Officer, large and complex projects under a Ministry/Department programme or portfolio, ensuring that all the goals and objectives of the project are accomplished within the prescribed timelines and budget. Duties include developing project plans, budget and schedules; implementing project plans; managing and leading project team; monitoring and managing project scope, risks and issues; and reporting on project activities to management and other stakeholders. Dependent on assignment the incumbent may be required to perform some or the full range of duties of the position.

Job Category


The incumbent is required to supervise and coordinate the Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) activities related to implementation of the projects and programmes in Ministries/Departments/Agencies for the achievement of the National Development Agenda. Duties include: measuring progress against set targets and development outcomes, supervising and coordinating the preparation of all reports relating to M&E in relevant Ministries/Departments/Agencies; supporting the implementation of plans, policies, programmes and projects related to Government's National Development Agenda and guiding a team responsible for the related implementation activities. Depending on work assignment the incumbent may be required to perform some or the full range of the duties of the position.


The incumbent is required to conduct in-depth research and prepare, write and edit executive and other speeches, releases, articles, letters and other communication documents for use by the Ministry/Department. Duties involve researching material for writing assignments; submitting assignments within agreed timelines and ensuring relevance and currency of content.

Job Category


The incumbent is required to contribute to the achievement of the communications targets of the Ministry/Department and assist in monitoring their implementation. Duties include coordinating media relations strategies, producing and disseminating materials for communicating information about the Ministry/Department and its services; coordinating the content of the intranet or external website and the production of a quarterly newsletter; disseminating reports and publications; and maintain an updated database of contacts and an effective communication system within the Ministry/Department. Depending on work assignment, the incumbent will be required to perform duties in one or more of the Communications functional areas.

Job Category


The incumbent is required to play a key role in the implementation of the Ministry’s/Department’s corporate communications strategy and programmes. Duties include assisting in the development, implementation and evaluation of these strategies and programmes; taking the lead on corporate media campaigns, public relations and other communications activities to generate consistent publicity results with clear targets and priorities and supervising lower-level staff engaged in related work. Depending on work assignment, the incumbent will be required to perform duties in one or more of the Communications functional areas.

Job Category


This incumbent is required to develop, implement, direct and evaluate the Ministry’s/Department’s marketing and communications strategies and programmes including public relations, media relations, web site content and the Ministry’s/Department’s identity/image programme. Duties include planning, organising, directing and coordinating the work of staff engaged in the performance of related activities. Duties also include using communications as a vital component of the overall change management programme in support of the Ministry’s/Department’s initiatives amongst internal stakeholders and to inform clients, employees and the general public of initiatives and policies of government and of the Ministry/Department.

Job Category


The incumbent is responsible for the identification, development and implementation of government’s communications policies, strategies and plans. Work includes formulating and reviewing policies and systems, monitoring and evaluating the implementation thereof and providing advice and guidance to line Ministries/Departments. Depending on work assignment, the incumbent will be required to perform duties in one or more of the Communications functional areas listed.

Job Category


The incumbent is responsible for supervising the work of staff engaged in the identification, development and implementation of government communications policies, strategies and plans. Work includes providing advice and guidance to Ministries/Departments on Government Communications policies, rules and procedures; creating positive internal and community relations and responding to queries from the media. The incumbent will be required to perform duties in one or more of the Communications functional areas.

Job Category

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