Displaying 471 - 480 of 1307 job descriptions found
Firefighter (Auto Mechanic)
This job requires the incumbent to repair, maintain and service Fire Service vehicles. Functions include test driving vehicles to ensure road worthiness after repair/maintenance, and responding to fires and other incidents to provide additional cover as…
Firefighter (Breathing Apparatus)
This job requires the incumbent to maintain all Breathing Apparatus sets and equipment in serviceable condition. Functions include giving talks and demonstrations on Breathing Apparatus and Breathing Apparatus procedures, and keeping records of the…
Firefighter (Engineering Auto Electrician)
This job requires the incumbent to repair and service electrical systems and equipment in Fire Service vehicles to ensure effective functioning. Functions include responding to fires and other incidents to provide additional cover as required.
Firefighter (File Prevention Unit)
This job requires the incumbent to conduct investigations into fires occurring within an assigned Division and to inspect business premises to ensure that fire prevention and protection systems are adequate. Functions include sketching floor plans,…
Firefighter (Fire Prevention Admin Plan Room)
This job requires the incumbent to process and register applications for building plans submitted to the Fire Service for issuance of Certification of Fire Authority. Functions include conducting site visits of completed buildings and buildings under…
Firefighter (Pump and Small Gear Mechanic)
This job requires the incumbent to repair pumps, generators, pressure gauges and other parts and equipment for the Fire Service. Functions include performing major repairs on Fire Service outboard engines; rebuilding parts for pumps; and providing…
Firefighter (Stores)
This job requires the incumbent to receive, record, store and issue supplies procured by the Fire Service. Functions include checking relevant documents and maintaining records pertaining to the receiving, and issuing of goods, delivering of goods to…
Firefighter (Straightener/Painter/Welder)
This job requires the incumbent to straighten and paint worn and damaged Fire Service appliances, ambulances and utility vehicles. Functions also include welding in accordance with established safety practices and acceptable arc, gas and meg welding…
Firefighter (Training)
This job requires the incumbent to prepare and conduct lectures and practical sessions on firemanship and the use of firefighting and rescue equipment for recruits and Fire Service personnel. Functions include providing information on fire safety and…
Firefighter (Upholsterer)
This job requires the incumbent to provide upholstering services for all vehicles and appliances of the Fire Service. Functions include recarpeting vehicle floors, making coverings for Fire Service machinery and responding to fires and other incidents to…