Geodetic Computer

Responsible clerical work computing land survey data. An employee in this class is responsible for checking computations or making computations from land surveying data secured by field surveying staff. Work involves the use of standard formulae, charts, scales, and graphs to obtain conversion or corrective factors. Assignments are received in the form of field notes taken by survey staff or computations submitted by private surveyors. The employee is subjected to close supervision and detailed instructions from a superior until the application of the various computation methods are learned. Work is checked through comparison with computations made independently by other personnel using the same field data.

Job Category

Field Investigator

Responsible investigative and clerical work. An employee in this class investigates the claims of persons who have applied for the waiver of the State's rights to a deceased person's estate, to determine their eligibility to claim such estates. Work involves going on field interviews to verify information submitted on petitions and interviewing anyone who may have information about the deceased person's relatives, assets, and liabilities. Work also entails writing reports based on information gathered as a result of field interviews. Instructions are received either orally or in writing from a superior and the employee works with considerable independence in the performance of field assignments. Work is reviewed by a superior to determine the accuracy and completeness of information.

Job Category

Field Interviewer II

Supervisory field investigative work relating to the control of Venereal Disease. An employee in this class is responsible for organising, planning, and supervising the work of subordinates engaged in field investigative work pertaining to the control of Venereal Diseases. Work involves the training of subordinates engaged in field investigative work and performance of the more difficult assignments. Work is performed with considerable independence and is reviewed by a superior officer through reports, meetings, and general observations.

Job Category

Field Interviewer I

Field work in the collection of statistical data. An employee in this class is responsible for making field interviews to collect data for compilation of statistical records. Work involves supervision of a small group of enumerators performing special surveys and censuses. The scope of the work is prescribed by statutes and departmental rules and regulations. Following an initial training period, the employee is assigned to a specified area and from time to time receives oral or written instructions. Work is evaluated through reviews of reports and periodic field visits by a superior.

Job Category

Farm School Instructor

Technical work lecturing at a Farm School. An employee in this class is responsible for teaching students of a farm school either crop or animal husbandry and related subjects. Work includes participating in practical exercises, supervising the development of a section of the farm, and assisting in the revision of syllabuses. General Instructions are received orally from a supervisor but the employee takes independent action within prescribed limitations and work is reviewed through reports and inspections for results.

Job Category

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