Specialised, supervisory work in maintaining records. An employee in this class plans and assigns the work of a large group of subordinate staff engaged in record-keeping activities in a Ministry/Department/Statutory Board. The employee supervises the implementation and operation of new records systems and procedures, advises employees on the interpretation and application of policies and regulations, and directs the disposal of obsolete files. The employee exercises a considerable degree of independence within established policies and systems but work is subject to review by a superior officer for efficiency through discussions and reports.

Job Category


Specialised clerical work in maintaining records. An employee in this class assists in coordinating the record-keeping operations of a large-sized government registry or department. The employee establishes classification of material where classification is not discernible, trains subordinate staff, and assists generally in simple administrative matters. Work is performed with some degree of independence within established systems but is reviewed by a superior for accuracy and efficiency through discussions and reports.

Job Category


Specialised clerical work in maintaining records. An employee in this class maintains the more complex indexes and registers in a government registry or in the record-keeping section of a Department. Work involves investigating information contained in files and correspondence to ensure accurate filing and preparing periodic returns pertaining to the filing and movement of documents. Work is performed under direction but the employee exercises some discretion in making on-the-spot decisions. Work is reviewed by a senior officer for accuracy and efficiency through reports and discussions.

Job Category


Responsible clerical and typing work involving some supervisory responsibilities. An employee in this class is responsible for the compilation and maintenance of an index of all Cabinet's decisions. Work involves typing and supervision of a small group of subordinates engaged in stenographic and clerical duties of varying complexity. Work is performed with considerable initiative and independent judgment and is reviewed by a superior officer for adherence to instructions and departmental policies and procedures through reports, discussions, and general observations.

Job Category


Routine work providing non-technical information and assistance. An employee in this class receives, announces and directs visitors, takes messages, and answers enquiries concerning non-technical matters. Duties may include keeping simple records and acting as relief telephone operator. Requests for information may be received by telephone or at the desk and the employee is expected to be able to adequately answer the enquiries. Work is reviewed by a superior through observations and general comments of visitors.

Job Category

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