Technical Class

Forester I

Routine forestry work at the entrance level. An employee in this class is responsible for the care and protection of forests in an assigned area. Work involves the performance of a variety of fieldwork involving the sale of forest products and the periodical patrol and inspection of a range to ensure conformity to the controlling laws. Work also involves the performance of incidental clerical duties and may include rendering assistance with the supervision of silvicultural operations on a plantation. Supervision is provided by higher-level foresters who assign work, give preliminary instructions, and review work in progress and upon completion for quality and adherence to established procedures.
Job Category

Food Demonstrator

Food demonstration work of a technical nature. An employee in this class is responsible for conducting cookery classes designed specially for mothers attending child welfare clinics, for civic groups, Health Department personnel, and members of the public in general. Emphasis is placed on the use of local foods, promoting improved methods of cooking, and preparation of low-cost meals. Work involves preparation and demonstration of various types of food and the testing of recipes. Employee may be responsible for the general supervision of a small cookery demonstration center. Work is performed under the supervision and guidance of a qualified Nutritionist.
Job Category

Fisheries Extension Officer

Responsible technical work in promoting the improvement of the fishing industry. An employee in this class acts as liaison between the Fisheries Department and the fishing community to promote the development of the fishing industry. Work involves organizing fishermen's cooperatives, disseminating relevant information to fishing groups, and organizing educational activities with the aim of improving fishing methods and techniques. Minor supervision is exercised over a few subordinates. Employee performs duties within the framework of well-defined procedures and policies, and work is reviewed by a superior through observations.
Job Category

Field Auditor II

Specialised auditing work of varying complexity. An employee in this class is required to perform auditing work of varying complexity relating to the investigation and examination of taxpayers returns. Work involves the application of advanced accounting and auditing techniques in verifying taxpayers' books and accounts. Work is performed with considerable independence and is reviewed by a superior officer for compliance with tax laws and departmental policies through inspections, reports, and meetings.
Job Category

Field Auditor I

Specialised auditing work at the entrance level. An employee in this class is required to perform the more routine aspects of auditing work relating to the investigation and examination of taxpayers returns. Work involves the application of elementary accounting and auditing techniques in verifying taxpayers' books and accounts. Work is performed under the close supervision of a superior officer and is reviewed for compliance with tax laws and departmental policies through inspections, reports, and meetings.
Job Category

Farm School Demonstrator

Technical and supervisory agricultural work at a Farm School. An employee in this class is responsible for demonstrating to students of a farm school the practical aspects of the school's curriculum and ensuring the general maintenance at the farm. Work involves performing demonstrations in both crop and animal husbandry, making physical checks of livestock, keeping farm records, supervising the work of labourers and other workers engaged in farm maintenance. Assignments are received orally from a technical superior after which the employee takes independent action within prescribed limitations and work is reviewed by a technical superior for proficiency.
Job Category

Equipment Supervisor I

Responsible supervisory work in the use and care of mechanical equipment. An employee in this class is responsible for ensuring the serviceability and effective use of equipment in a division. Work involves supervising a team of skilled and semi-skilled workers engaged in regular servicing and corrective repair of equipment, keeping records of equipment utilization, and computing cost of the latter. Work is performed with some degree of independence within prescribed guidelines and is reviewed through discussion and reports for adherence to policy and for effectiveness.
Job Category

Engineering Assistant III

Technical and supervisory work assisting in the construction and maintenance of engineering projects. An employee in this class performs important technical work assisting a professional superior in making simple structural designs and layouts, and in inspecting the construction of complex engineering projects by contractors. Work includes the supervision of a few technical assistants and involves indirect supervision over the skilled and semi-skilled workers of contractors. The employee is given greater latitude in making job decisions dependent on his own judgment.
Job Category

Engineering Assistant II

Advanced technical work assisting in the construction and maintenance of engineering projects. An employee in this class performs a variety of increasingly complex technical tasks in connection with the development and maintenance of engineering works. Work involves the supervision of a few subordinates and the inspection of projects awarded to contractors. Instructions are usually in the nature of assignments to projects that are under the supervision of an Engineer or Architect. The employee is allowed some latitude for exercising initiative and judgment within prescribed limits.
Job Category

Engineering Assistant I

Technical work assisting in the construction and maintenance of engineering projects. An employee in this class performs a variety of simple technical tasks in connection with engineering, construction, and maintenance activities. Many of the duties are learned on the job, both in field and office. Emphasis is placed upon accuracy on the development of several technical skills. Assignments are received in detail, and work is reviewed closely during progress and upon completion for accuracy and adherence to instructions.
Job Category