Technical Class

Graphic Artist

Responsible technical work in the field of graphic art. An employee in this class prepares graphic data for reproduction in publications and displays. Work involves examining raw data, conceiving and illustrating appropriate designs to be reproduced in printed material or for use in television production. Assignments are received from a superior officer, and the employee exercises considerable initiative and judgment in the performance of duties. Work is reviewed through observations for creativity and effectiveness.
Job Category

Geologist Assistant

Responsible work of a technical nature assisting generally in Geological and Mining Operations. An employee in this class assists professional staff generally in the performance of a variety of more simple technical tasks relating to geological and mining operations. Most of the duties are learned on the job. Emphasis is placed upon accuracy on the development of several technical skills. Assignments are generally performed in accordance with well-defined procedures and work is reviewed by a professional superior for accuracy and conformity with established standards.
Job Category

Games Coach

Technical work in the field of physical education and sports. An employee in this class is responsible for planning and implementing programs of training in games and sporting activities for teachers, students, and community coaches. Work also includes the promotion of competitive games, improving motor skills of trainees, monitoring the progress and development of sporting activities, and advising on the care and use of equipment. Work is performed within prescribed guidelines and is reviewed by a superior for adherence to policy and effectiveness.
Job Category

Furniture Supervisor

Responsible skilled and supervisory work in the manufacture, renovation, and control of government-owned furniture. An employee in this class is responsible for planning and directing the work of a furniture shop, manufacturing, and maintaining furniture for government-owned quarters, offices, schools, colleges, and institutions. Instructions may be received from a superior but generally are in the form of letters and requests from the various Ministries. The employee plans and authorizes work within budget limitations, developing his own schedules and methods. The work is reviewed for accomplishment and financial accountability.
Job Category

Furniture Foreman

Skilled and supervisory work in the manufacture and repair of furniture. An employee in this class supervises skilled and semi-skilled workers engaged in the manufacture, repair, and refinishing of standard types of furniture as well as pre-fabricated joinery items used in government-owned houses and offices. The employee is expected to distribute the work to subordinates, make job decisions, and carry on the work with occasional review for performance and quality of product.
Job Category

Friendly Societies Officer II

Supervisory work of a technical nature advising Friendly Societies on related activities. An employee in this class advises Friendly Societies on related activities and generally ensures that they adhere to existing legislation. Work involves making periodic examinations of the accounting records of those organizations, giving advice and guidance on accounting procedures, the settlement of claims and related matters, and arranging for the hearing of disputes. Supervision is exercised over a few officers engaged in field assignments. Work is performed with considerable initiative and judgment within the framework of established procedures, policies, and legislation and is reviewed for adherence to these.
Job Category

Friendly Societies Officer I

Entrance level work of a technical nature ensuring adherence to the Friendly Societies Ordinance(s). An employee in this class makes inspectional visits to Friendly Societies to examine records and advise on activities in order to ensure adherence to the Friendly Societies Ordinance(s). Duties include investigating complaints made by members of Friendly Societies, inspecting accounting records, and assisting Societies in implementing or maintaining a proper system of accounting. Assignments are received from a superior officer and work is performed within the framework of established policies and procedures. Work is reviewed for compliance with policies, procedures, and legislation.
Job Category

Forester IV

Responsible supervisory work in the management of a factory utilizing thinnings from teak plantation. An employee in this class is responsible for the management of a fence factory operated by the Forest Department. Work involves the formulation and execution of plans for the efficient utilization of small dimensional thinnings from the teak plantation. Employee is also responsible for supervising operations in the factory manufacturing and treating of teak fencing and other products and for the marketing of these products, the preparation of relevant accounts and records. Employee exercises supervision over foresters and labor gangs. Work is executed with a considerable degree of judgment within the framework of general established policies and procedures. Work is reviewed by an administrative superior for results and adherence to policies.
Job Category

Forester III

Supervisory work in the management of an administrative division of the Forest Department. An employee in this class is responsible for the general supervision and management of a division of the Department. Work involves responsibility for the supervision of the sale of forest produce in the division and for the general enforcement of the laws regarding forest conservation. Employee may also be responsible for the supervision of silvicultural operations in the Division. Supervision is exercised over Foresters of various levels. Employee operates within the broad framework of regulations and procedures and works with considerable independence. Work is reviewed through the submission of reports and through periodical consultations with superiors.
Job Category

Forester II

Supervisory forestry work assisting in the management of a geographical area or the Research Branch of the Forest Division. An employee in this class performs a variety of supervisory duties connected with the sale of forest produce and the management of a forest division. Employee assists a superior in reviewing the clerical work and fieldwork of subordinates to ensure conformity to stipulated procedures and observance of the various laws and ordinances. Work may further involve rendering assistance in supervising the operations of a forest tree nursery. Supervision is exercised over Foresters in a lower class and may extend over plantation laborers. Assignments are usually specific in nature with the employee exercising judgment in their execution. Work is reviewed by a professional superior with whom consultation is held over difficult matters.
Job Category