Displaying 861 - 870 of 1087 job descriptions found
Senior Superintendent of Police (Finance)
This job requires the incumbent to manage the operations of the Finance Branch responsible for financial and accounting functions within the Police Service. Duties include ensuring adherence to financial regulations, developing work programs, advising…
Senior Superintendent of Police (Mobile) (Guard and Emergency Branch)
This job requires the incumbent to manage and direct the operations of the Guard and Emergency Branch, responsible for providing protective services to VIPs, crowd control, riot suppression, and supporting all divisions. Functions include making policy…
Senior Superintendent of Police (Mobile) (Transport and Telecommunications)
This job requires the incumbent to manage the operations of the Transport and Telecommunication Section responsible for the repair and maintenance of motor vehicles and telecommunication equipment in the Police Service. Functions include ensuring the…
Senior Superintendent of Police (Service Inspection and Training) (Complaints Division)
This job requires the incumbent to manage the operations of the Complaints Division responsible for investigating complaints against Police Officers, conducting inspections, and processing disciplinary matters. Duties include investigating, presenting…
Senior Superintendent of Police (Service Inspection and Training) (Police Training College)
This job requires the incumbent to manage the operations of the Police Training College. Functions involve participating in the formulation of training policy for the Police Service, identifying the training needs of the Police Service, developing,…
Senior Superintendent of Police (Special Branch)
The incumbent assists in managing the operations of the Special Branch, counteracting activities that undermine state security. Responsibilities include gathering intelligence, providing protective services to VIPs, and managing day-to-day operations.…
Senior Superintendent of Police (Traffic Branch)
This job requires the incumbent to manage the operations of the Traffic Branch, which is responsible for directing the free flow of vehicular traffic and providing vehicular escorts for state officials and VIPs. Functions include making policy…
Senior Superintendent of Prisons
This job requires the incumbent to direct and coordinate the operations of various correctional institutions and the Canine and Emergency Response Unit. Functions include developing and monitoring rehabilitative, recreational, and educational programs,…
Senior Teacher (Primary)
This job requires the incumbent to teach all subjects in the Primary School curriculum and assist in the management of the primary school. Duties include monitoring students' progress, providing effective classroom supervision, and guiding students…
Senior Treasury Accountant
Responsible for assisting Director in planning, organizing, and directing activities of Pensions, Financial Management, Loans Management, and Accounts Units of Treasury Division, advising on financial and accounting matters, preparing instruction manuals…