Displaying 301 - 310 of 1090 job descriptions found
Equipment Superintendent
Skilled work in managing and supervising the operation and maintenance of mechanical equipment in a large division. An employee in this class is responsible for the planning, organizing, and directing of all activities involving the use of mechanical…
Equipment Supervisor I
Responsible supervisory work in the use and care of mechanical equipment. An employee in this class is responsible for ensuring the serviceability and effective use of equipment in a division. Work involves supervising a team of skilled and semi-skilled…
Estate Corporal
Responsible security work in the protection of government stores and property. An employee in this class supervises a small security force in a Ministry/Department or Institution or an assigned group of subordinates from a large security force. The…
Estate Sergeant
Supervisory security work in the protection of government stores and property. An employee in this class supervises a medium size security force in a Ministry/Department or Institution or an assigned group of subordinates from a large security force…
Examinations Officer I
Administrative work in the organization and conduct of examinations. An employee in this class is responsible for, or assists in as required, organizing, coordinating, and supervising the efficient conduct of examinations for the Public Service, or for…
Examiner of Title
Supervises officers involved in the registration of land titles and prepares reports for submission to the Solicitor General's Department. Ensures compliance with the Real Property Ordinance and other laws.
Executive Secretary
Advanced stenographic work with related clerical duties of a secretarial nature. An employee in this class serves as Secretary to a Minister of Government or to an official of Government who is at a comparable level. Work involves the performance of…
Facilities Manager
The incumbent is required to manage and direct the provision of facilities management services in a large
Ministry/Department ensuring regulatory compliance and a safe and functional work environment for employees and clients. Duties include…
Ministry/Department ensuring regulatory compliance and a safe and functional work environment for employees and clients. Duties include…
Facilities Officer
The incumbent is required to assist in developing and implementing a facilities and equipment maintenance anc upgrade programme for a Ministry/Department. Duties include inspecting facil ities and equipment for deficiencies assisting in property…
Facilities Technician
The incumbent is required to make inspections of facilities and equipment to ensure optimal functioning and to perform basic maintenance and repair work. Duties include monitoring contractors/vendors performing contracted services; assisting in…