Displaying 201 - 210 of 1087 job descriptions found
County Superintendent
Responsible technical work in the field of general construction and maintenance activities, supervising construction projects, and ensuring compliance with regulations.
Court Clerk I
Supportive work servicing the Court Schedule of the Chief State Solicitor's Department, drafting court documents, and maintaining case records.
Court Clerk II
Sub-professional work servicing the Court Schedule of the Chief State Solicitor's Department, drafting court documents, and assisting professional staff.
Court Clerk III
Responsible supervisory and sub-professional work servicing the Court Schedule of the Chief State Solicitor's Department, drafting court documents, and supervising sub-professional staff.
Coxswain I
Skilled and supervisory work as a launch captain, ensuring safe operation and maintenance of the launch, and transporting passengers.
Coxswain II
Skilled and supervisory work as a launch captain, operating a large motor launch, and supervising the crew.
Cultural Officer II
Responsible technical work in the field of cultural development
Customs and Excise Collector
Administrative work assisting in the direction of the activities of a major branch of the Customs and Excise Division
Customs and Excise Guard II
Security work with an element of supervision relating to the safeguarding of the revenue in the Customs & Excise Division
Customs and Excise Guard III
Supervisory security work relating to the safeguarding of the revenue of the Customs and Excise Division