Technical Class

Electrical Inspector II

Responsible technical and supervisory work inspecting electrical installations. An employee in this class supervises the activities of subordinate inspectors engaged in electrical inspection work to determine compliance with electrical codes and standards. Work involves making inspections of electrical installations, allocating inspection work to subordinates, and reviewing and checking their reports on completed assignments. Work is performed under the general supervision of a professional superior who reviews work through discussions and oral and written reports.
Job Category

Electrical Inspector I

Technical work in the inspection of electrical installations. An employee in this class is responsible for making inspections of electrical installations in commercial, industrial, and residential establishments to determine compliance with electrical codes and standards. Work involves inspecting materials and workmanship for conformity with approved plans and contract requirements. Inspections are of a technical nature and require the application of standard trade practices. Duties are assigned daily by a superior officer. Work is performed with some independence and is reviewed through written and oral reports and occasional re-inspections.
Job Category

Driver Licensing Examiner

Specialised work conducting tests for Drivers’ Permit and Professional Driving Instructor’s licences. An employee in this class conducts theoretical and performance tests for learners applying for a Driver’s Permit and experienced drivers applying for Professional Driving Instructor’s license. Work involves signing and issuing certificates of competency to those qualified and writing reports on results of examinations. Employee receives general, oral or written instructions on changes of policy, but is allowed considerable latitude performing assignments.
Job Category

Draughtsman III

Highly technical and supervisory work in the field of draughting. An employee in this class supervises all activities in a drawing office and participates in the performance of advanced drawing office duties. Work involves the preparation of a wide variety of complex final drawings, the supervision of subordinate draughtsmen and printroom operators. Occasionally the employee assists a professional superior in the preparation of sketch designs, specifications and estimates. Assignments are received from supervising professional officers through discussions or correspondence together with design and/or site sketches.
Job Category


Highly technical work in the field of draughting. An employee in this class uses standard drawing office instruments and materials in the performance of the more technical and complex draughting and related duties in the field of architecture.
Job Category


Technical work in the field of draughting. An employee in this class uses standard drawing office instruments in the performance of a variety of draughting and related duties. The work involves the preparation of site plans, or working drawings, the enlargement or reduction of drawings to a predetermined scale, and the proper indexing and filing of drawings.
Job Category


Advanced professional work in the field of Public Health. An employee in this class performs advanced public health nursing work and is responsible for the operation of clinics in an assigned district. The work involves visiting homes to attend to ante-natal and post-natal cases, Child Welfare, and other cases. The work may also involve assisting in the general supervision of the Public Health Nursing Services in the Venereal Disease Division.
Job Category

Accountant II

Responsible accounting and supervisory work. An employee in this class performs responsible accounting work of a complex nature which involves the making of moderately difficult accounting determinations. Work includes the maintenance of control accounts, the preparation of accounting and fiscal reports, and the keeping of accounting records for a moderately large administrative unit; or the supervision of a moderate-sized clerical and office machines staff engaged in keeping specialized fiscal records.
Job Category