Labour Relations Officer I Technical work assisting in the settlement of disputes between labour and management. Job Category Permanent Established
Kitchen Supervisor Highly skilled and supervisory work in directing all activities in a large kitchen. Job Category Permanent Established
Investigator Investigative work related to complaints of administrative injustice. Job Category Permanent Established
Information Attaché Responsible technical work in the field of public relations. Job Category Permanent Established
Immigration Officer IV Responsible supervisory work in the implementation and enforcement of immigration laws and regulations. Job Category Permanent Established
Immigration Officer III Responsible immigration inspection work of a supervisory nature. Job Category Permanent Established
Immigration Officer II Immigration inspection work of varying complexity. Job Category Permanent Established
Illustrator Responsible technical work in the field of Graphic Art. Job Category Permanent Established
Home Sister Advanced professional supervisory work involving the general management of a Nurses' Hostel. Job Category Permanent Established
Head Nurse Responsible for the proper functioning of a ward/unit ensuring the provision of essentials for nursing care. Involves supervising staff and assisting in providing learning experiences for trainees. Job Category Permanent Established