Hydrologist Responsible professional work in the field of Hydrology. Job Category Permanent Established
Hydrographic Surveyor III Responsible professional and administrative work in hydrographic surveying. Job Category Permanent Established
Hydrographic Surveyor II Responsible professional and supervisory work in hydrographic surveying. Job Category Permanent Established
Hydrographic Surveyor I Professional work in hydrographic surveying. Job Category Permanent Established
Human Resource Officer III Responsible professional work at the supervisory level in the field of Human Resource Management. Job Category Permanent Established
Human Resource Officer II Responsible professional work in the field of Human Resource Management. Job Category Permanent Established
Human Resource Officer I Responsible professional work in the field of Human Resource Management. Job Category Permanent Established
Human Resource Adviser III Responsible professional work at the supervisory level in the field of Human Resource Management. Job Category Permanent Established
Human Resource Adviser II Responsible professional work in the field of Human Resource Management. Job Category Permanent Established
Human Resource Adviser I Responsible professional work in the field of Human Resource Management. Job Category Permanent Established