Responsible supervisory electoral work. An employee in this class is responsible for the overall supervision of several registration areas in an assigned region. Work involves organizing, planning, and supervising all registration and electoral activities in several registration areas of an assigned region. The work of subordinates is coordinated to ensure that departmental regulations and instructions are followed.

Job Category


Advanced administrative work of a specialised nature in directing records management activities in a Ministry/Department. An employee in this class is responsible to the Head of the Administration Division of a Ministry/Department/Statutory Board for the development, implementation, and maintenance of proper and efficient methods, systems, and procedures of records management in that Ministry/Department/Statutory Board. Work involves a continuous programme of examination and review of existing methods, systems, and procedures and the development or adoption of ways and means of improving them.

Job Category


Specialised administrative work in the field of Records Management. An employee in this class develops and implements an effective records management programme in a medium-sized or small Ministry or Department. Work involves developing, implementing, and maintaining methods, systems, and procedures for the control and flow of official documents and records; keeping such methods, systems, and procedures under continuous review for the purpose of effecting improvements; liaising with appropriate officials on matters relating to the management of both current and non-current records and supervising subordinate staff involved in implementing relevant systems.

Job Category


Administrative work in the field of environmental health in a Region or Division. An employee in this class organises, plans, coordinates and supervises activities related to environmental health on a Regional or Divisional basis. Work involves the monitoring, evaluation and direction of activities within a Region or Division. Work also includes conducting in-service training of subordinate staff. Work is performed with considerable independence and is reviewed for conformity to established policies and procedures through reports, discussions and conferences and an evaluation of results achieved.

Job Category

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