

Responsible skilled and supervisory work in maintenance and construction activities. An employee in this class supervises several gangs of skilled and unskilled workers engaged in maintenance and repair of public buildings, roads, bridges, and other facilities. Inspects work, assigns tasks, and ensures compliance with specifications. Supervises construction contracts and maintains records.

Job Category

Furniture Supervisor

Responsible skilled and supervisory work in the manufacture, renovation, and control of government-owned furniture. An employee in this class is responsible for planning and directing the work of a furniture shop, manufacturing, and maintaining furniture for government-owned quarters, offices, schools, colleges, and institutions. Instructions may be received from a superior but generally are in the form of letters and requests from the various Ministries. The employee plans and authorizes work within budget limitations, developing his own schedules and methods. The work is reviewed for accomplishment and financial accountability.

Job Category

Engineering Assistant II

Advanced technical work assisting in the construction and maintenance of engineering projects. An employee in this class performs a variety of increasingly complex technical tasks in connection with the development and maintenance of engineering works. Work involves the supervision of a few subordinates and the inspection of projects awarded to contractors. Instructions are usually in the nature of assignments to projects that are under the supervision of an Engineer or Architect. The employee is allowed some latitude for exercising initiative and judgment within prescribed limits.

Job Category

Electrical Foreman II

Highly skilled and supervisory electrical work. An employee in this class directs the installation and maintenance of complete electrical systems, equipment and appliances at a large installation or smaller yet intricate systems. Work involves supervision of foremen, skilled electricians and helpers and participation in the more involved operations.

Job Category

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