Varied and routine clerical work. Responsible for performing a variety of clerical functions, organizing and carrying out regular work with minimal supervision, and supervising a few subordinate clerical officers.
Clerical work of limited complexity and variety. Responsible for performing routine clerical and related tasks, registering correspondence, filing material, and preparing simple reports.
Routine custodial work including the protection of government property. Responsible for cleaning abattoirs and marketplaces, patrolling areas, and ensuring buildings and compounds are kept clean and secure.
Manual cleaning work. Responsible for cleaning and performing routine maintenance work on government buildings and grounds, ensuring sanitary conditions are maintained.
Routine manual cleaning work. Responsible for performing various cleaning duties and simple tasks, such as sweeping, mopping, dusting, and cleaning lavatories.
Technical work teaching agricultural science. This role involves preparing course material, teaching and demonstrating agricultural science techniques, assessing and reporting on trainees, and maintaining records of supplies and equipment.
Responsible professional work in the field of civil engineering. This role involves performing more difficult civil engineering work, organizing and directing a small engineering section, supervising professional, technical, and other workers, and ensuring projects adhere to engineering standards.
Professional work in the field of civil engineering. This role involves performing simpler or less complex duties related to the design, construction, and maintenance of civil engineering projects, supervising a group of employees, and conducting field and laboratory tests.
Routine agricultural field work. Responsible for keeping farmers informed of various programs and assistance provided by the Ministry of Agriculture, Lands, and Fisheries, assisting in inspections for subsidy applications, and assessing crop loss in cases of natural disasters.
Responsible professional and supervisory work in the implementation of a traffic management plan for the country. This role involves establishing and maintaining a coordinated and comprehensive traffic management plan for private and public transportation throughout the country, conducting investigational surveys and feasibility studies in Traffic Management, designing and preparing plans and specifications, and supervising a group of professional and technical employees.