Job Title

Job Type

Job Salary Range


Job Category

Job Class

Job Reference Code
Job Summary
Responsible supervisory work in the field of environmental sanitation. An employee in this class is responsible for coordinating the activities of subordinates who supervise gangs of daily paid unskilled workers engaged in sanitation and scavenging activities in a County/Borough. Work includes detailing duties to, and supervising the work of sanitation workers including scavengers, public convenience workers, weeders, cutlass-men, drivers, checkers, and watchmen and supervising scavenging and related jobs given out on contract. Work may also include the supervision of subordinates engaged in the cleaning of cesspits and/or septic tanks. The employee is expected to exercise some initiative and independent judgement in the execution of his duties and work is reviewed by a superior officer through reports, inspections, and meetings to determine performance and adherence to instructions.