Clerk Typist II

Clerical and typing work of varying complexity, performing typing duties, maintaining records, and performing clerical tasks requiring some initiative and judgment.

Job Category

Clerk Typist I

Routine and repetitive typing and clerical work, performing typing duties, maintaining records, and performing simple clerical tasks.

Job Category

Clerk Stenographer III

Advanced stenographic work with related clerical duties of a secretarial nature, taking dictation, transcribing notes, performing secretarial duties, and supervising subordinate employees.

Job Category

Clerk Stenographer II

Responsible stenographic work with related clerical duties, taking dictation in shorthand, transcribing it, and performing typing and clerical tasks requiring familiarity with technical terminology.

Job Category

Clerk Stenographer I

Routine stenographic work with related clerical duties, taking dictation in shorthand and transcribing it using a typewriter, performing typing duties, and maintaining files and records.

Job Category

Executive Secretary

Advanced stenographic work with related clerical duties of a secretarial nature. An employee in this class serves as Secretary to a Minister of Government or to an official of Government who is at a comparable level. Work involves the performance of advanced stenographic duties with associated clerical duties of a secretarial nature. Work is performed with a high degree of independence, requiring the exercise of a considerable amount of initiative, judgment, and tact in dealing with a wide variety of official matters relating to the Minister or the Official concerned.

Job Category

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