Treasury Accounting Technician Specialized accounting work at the technical level in the field of Accountancy. Job Category Permanent Established
TRAFFIC SAFETY OFFICER Responsible field work assisting in the promotion of the Road Safety Programme Job Category Permanent Established
TRADE OFFICER I Technical work assisting in executing government's import and export control policy Job Category Permanent Established
TOWN PLANNING ASSISTANT II Technical and supervisory work in the collection of data for physical planning Job Category Permanent Established
TOWN PLANNING ASSISTANT I Routine technical work collecting data for physical planning Job Category Permanent Established
TAXPAYER RELATIONS OFFICER III Responsible technical and supervisory work in the field of taxpayer relations related to the functioning of the Inland Revenue Division Job Category Permanent Established
TAXPAYER RELATIONS OFFICER I Technical work in the field of Taxpayer Relations related to the functioning of the Inland Revenue Division Job Category Permanent Established
TABULATING MACHINE SUPERVISOR Supervisory and technical work directing staff engaged in the operation of key punching and tabulating machine equipment. Job Category Permanent Established