Auditor I

An employee in this class is responsible for the Audit examination of accounts of varying complexity. 'dork ranges from the initial checks of! records of expenditure and revenue, to the examination of journals, subsidiary ledgers, and a variety of other subsidiary records, Work is performed with much less direct supervision than officers Of the next •-lower grade and is reviewed by senior officer through investigations, and discussions.


Responsible technical work in the field of students' welfare. Responsible for students' well-being in a residential Training College, ensuring medical attention, coordinating leisure-time activities, and maintaining relations. Handles personal problems, organizes student activities, resolves complaints, and manages campus visitors.

Job Category


Highly technical work relating to the inspection of maintenance and construction works. Responsible for inspecting works in progress and completion, reporting on progress and defects, investigating and reporting on complaints, and serving as an arbitrator in labor disputes. Requires extensive knowledge of construction and maintenance methods and the ability to make comprehensive reports. Performs work with considerable independence, subject to general revision by a superior officer through inspections, reports, and discussions.

Job Category


Responsible skilled and supervisory work in maintenance and construction activities. An employee in this class supervises several gangs of skilled and unskilled workers engaged in maintenance and repair of public buildings, roads, bridges, and other facilities. Inspects work, assigns tasks, and ensures compliance with specifications. Supervises construction contracts and maintains records.

Job Category


Responsible for verification of stocks, plant, and machinery, advises on care and custody, takes follow-up action on surveys, investigates losses, prepares reports.

Job Category


Undertakes field surveys and tests to determine soil properties, assists in supervising installation and maintenance of hydrological equipment, advises farmers, collects data, observes and tabulates results of experiments.

Job Category


Responsible technical and administrative work in the field of Public Relations. An employee in this class interprets, co-ordinates and supervises public relations strategies and programmes designed to educate and inform the public about the role, objective and achievements of government-run organizations such as Ministries, Departments and Statutory Bodies and to obtain feedback. Work involves co-ordinating the activities of subordinates engaged in liaison and community information services, formulating and establishing work procedures of such staff and maintaining effective communication links with Ministries and other organizations, the mass media and the public at large.

Job Category


Technical work in the field of Public Relations. An employee in this class liaises with other Ministries/Departments, Statutory Bodies, the mass media and/or citizens in rural communities with a view to co-ordinating the dissemination of information relating to government’s policies, programmes and projects. Work includes establishing and maintaining effective communication channels with government organisations, the mass media and the public and the preparation and dissemination of material for public information. Employee exercises initiative and independence within prescribed guidelines and work is reviewed by a superior officer through discussions and reports to determine accuracy, timeliness and effectiveness.

Job Category


Routine technical work in the field of Public Relations. An employee in this class assists in preparing and arranging public relations programmes designed to publicise government’s activities. Work involves liaising with government administered organisations; Interfacing with citizens and the mass media with a view to gathering information to be used for educating and informing the public of government’s policies, functions, objectives and achievements. Assignments are delegated and work is performed under the immediate supervision of a superior officer for conformity with established programmes and procedures.

Job Category

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