Government Archivist

Professional and administrative work in the selection, organisation, preservation, and protection of historical documents including a National Archives for the Nation. An employee in this class has the responsibility for the selection, arrangement, and organisation of records to be preserved for the archives for public record and also for deciding which records are to be destroyed. Work involves advising departmental and ministerial heads on matters pertaining to government archives. Work is performed with independent judgment in the development of work methods and is subject to review by an administrative superior for conformity with policy and the efficient management of the Archives through discussions and reports.

Job Category

Fish Culturist

Professional work in the field of fisheries. An employee in this class assists in the preservation and development of the nation's fresh water fish resources. Work involves recommending policy measures for the development and conservation of these resources, including control measures for pollution, assisting in research on local species, and administering development projects for economically important fresh water fish. Work includes planning, organising, and coordinating the activities of a group of technical and non-technical workers engaged in the maintenance and development of fresh water fish farming areas. The employee exercises a considerable degree of independence and initiative within the framework of professional principles and departmental policies but work is reviewed by a professional superior for efficiency of programmes and adherence to departmental policies through inspections, reports, and discussions.

Job Category

Field Auditor V

Professional and administrative audit work in the field of tax assessment. An employee in this class is responsible for administering the work of the Field Audit Section of the Inland Revenue Division of the Ministry of Finance. Work involves developing the annual Field Audit plan of the section and supervising groups of professional, technical, and other staff engaged in the execution of such plan. Work also includes monitoring and evaluating the activities of the section and making appropriate recommendations for the correction of any deficiencies determined. Work is performed with considerable initiative and independent judgment within the framework of established Income Tax Laws and departmental policies and is reviewed by a superior through discussions and reports for efficacy.

Job Category

Field Auditor IV

Highly specialised supervisory auditing work. An employee in this class is responsible for organising, planning, and directing all activities of a group of Revenue Auditors engaged in special investigations, internal audit, or field audit activities. Work involves the application of a considerable amount of accounting skills and knowledge and the exercise of a considerable amount of initiative and independent judgment in dealing with complex matters. Work is performed independently in accordance with established tax laws and departmental policies and is reviewed generally by the Board of Inland Revenue through discussions, reports, and general observations.

Job Category

Field Auditor III

Highly specialised auditing work. An employee in this class is required to perform highly specialised auditing work relating to the investigation and examination of taxpayers returns. Work involves the auditing of tax returns in respect of the larger companies and examination of their accounting records to ensure compliance with the regulations. Work also involves supervision and direction of the work of a group of subordinates engaged in similar duties but in the less difficult assignments. Work is performed with considerable independence and is reviewed by a superior officer for compliance with tax laws and departmental policies through inspections, reports, and meetings.

Job Category

Farm Record Analyst

Responsible work in the field of agricultural economic investigation and analysis. An employee in this class is responsible for carrying out economic investigations into agricultural enterprises undertaken by the Crown Lands Development Division of the Ministry of Agriculture, Lands, and Fisheries. Work involves investigating and maintaining a Farm Record System and analyzing data gathered in field investigations and the preparation of reports therefrom. Work also involves organizing training programmes in farm planning and record keeping for farms and the agricultural extension staff.

Job Category

Accountant IV

Advanced professional and supervisory work in the field of accounting. An employee in this class performs professional and supervisory accounting work in a major aspect of government’s accounting process. Work includes directing and supervising activities in an accounting unit or reviewing and advising on such activities, preparing financial reports and statements, designing and setting up new accounting methods and procedures, and/or undertaking financial and accounting investigations.

Job Category

Equipment Superintendent

Skilled work in managing and supervising the operation and maintenance of mechanical equipment in a large division. An employee in this class is responsible for the planning, organizing, and directing of all activities involving the use of mechanical equipment. Work involves the maintenance and repairs of motor vehicles, plant, and equipment. Work includes the supervising of skilled workers and supervisors engaged in preventive maintenance and corrective repairs of mechanical equipment and also the economical control of allocated funds.

Job Category

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