Motor Vehicle Attendant

Routine work in the weighing of vehicles. An employee in this class is responsible for the weighing of motor vehicles for licensing purposes. Work involves operation of a weighbridge and assisting the Motor Vehicle Inspector in recording defects of motor vehicles, identification marks and other aspects for registration purposes.

Job Category

Mortuary Attendant

Routine work pertaining to the care and custody of corpses. An employee in this class receives and registers all corpses coming into the hospital mortuary and arranges for delivery to authorized persons. Work involves preparing certain corpses for post mortem examination when directed by the Medical Officer or Pathologist.

Job Category

Messenger II

Supervisory routine messenger work overseeing a small group of lower-level Messengers, attending to minor financial matters, etc.

Job Category

Messenger I

Routine messenger service work for a Ministry/Department including delivering and collecting mail, performing simple clerical tasks, etc.

Job Category

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